Hazards Near Me app launched today

Hazards Near Me app launched today


Today I had great pleasure to be part of the official launch for the new Hazards Near Me app, an exciting new development in the way we warn communities about floods and tsunami.

The app, which can be downloaded on Android and iOS, was jointly developed by NSW SES, NSW Rural Fire Service (RFS) and the Department of Customer Service and combines NSW SES flood and tsunami warnings from HazardWatch and NSW RFS warnings from Fires Near Me.

One of the useful features of the new app is the ability to create watch zones so you can receive alerts when warnings are within a specified location.

Making warnings easier to access during weather events is one step we hope will encourage members of the public to make safer decisions, which is part of our mission to create safer communities.

I encourage you to download the app, and tell your friends, family and community.

If you have already downloaded the Fires Near Me app, you need to update it so it switches to Hazards Near Me.

For more information, please read the attached document. If you have questions, don’t hesitate to contact warnings.capability@ses.nsw.gov.au.



Carlene York APM


Marketing DARE