DARE Disability Support

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DARE Vaccination Update

DARE Disability Support is extremely proud and happy to announce that of those who are eligible, 100% of our Supported Independent Living (SIL) residents have been vaccinated with the Pfizer Vaccine.

DARE, with the assistance of Wentworth Healthcare, the provider of the Nepean Blue Mountains Primary Health Network (NBMPHN) and the Nepean Blue Mountains Local health district (NBMLHD) have organised over 200 shots of the Pfizer vaccine to be administered to DARE’s SIL residents and staff. DARE actively sought out alternate methods to obtain the vaccine as the Commonwealth rollout had not progressed in a timely manner, leaving DARE’s SIL residents and staff at risk.

These shots have been administered at the Kingswood clinic, with DARE staff transporting and supporting the clients in small groups.

In these difficult times DARE would like to thank the people and organisations that have continued to go above and beyond in keeping everyone safe.

A special mention must also be given to the nursing staff at the vaccine clinic, who have been extremely helpful and accommodating to our residents and staff.

Now, more than ever, DARE is committed to the health and safety of our residents, staff and the community at large.